Asset Bundles

Asset Bundles Generation #

Client-side MKNet provides a management wrapper around Unity's native Asset Bundles feature; it exposes extended functionality such as fetching, caching, loading and unloading asset bundles. It also gives game developers a UI to generate versioned asset bundles.

Asset Bundles Distribution #

Server-side MKNet provides management via the administration panel where developers can upload, view, delete and migrate between staging and production environments.

The distribution is handled by project-specific CDN endpoints powered by Akamai via Azure.

Managing Asset Bundles #

The MKNet Admin Panel allows you to upload new asset bundles, switch existing asset bundles on and off, view their details, and delete them.

Switching an asset bundle to 'Inactive' means that it will not be provided by the API when looking for the correct asset bundle to deliver.

Admin Panel Asset Bundles

Asset Bundle Versioning #

An asset bundle has two versions associated with it - an App Version, and a Bundle Version.

The App Version tells the API which versions of the app this bundle is compatible with. When requesting an asset bundle, you provide the current version of the app in the request. The API will return back the bundle with the highest available app version that is equal to or lower than the provided app version.

The Bundle Version is used to differentiate versions of a bundle that have the same app version. If there are multiple asset bundles with the same app version, the one with the higher bundle version will be returned.

All version information is loaded from the bundle manifest when it is uploaded.